Effective Yellow Cybersecurity, Serenity and Lucidity for Managers.
Gouvernance and Management.
Effective Yellow SAS (RCS : Marseille B 803 848 001 – SIREN : 803848001 ; Siège Social au 10 Place de la Joliette 13002 Marseille – Tél. 04 91 13 45 61 – Directeur de la publication : Frederic VILANOVA) – Hébergement : ITIKA-GROUPE (SIRET: 532 137 452 00027 NAF: 6202A R.C.S. MARSEILLE)
Ce site internet a pour objectif de proposer des informations professionnelles et de faciliter la communication de l’entreprise Effective Yellow.
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All the information contained in the site is covered by copyright, intellectual and artistic property, unless expressly stated otherwise, and may only be used without the written consent of Effective Yellow SAS in accordance with the General Conditions or the specific indications presented in the text of the site. Effective Yellow SAS does not guarantee in any way that the use of the website data may not constitute a violation of the rights of certain third parties. Effective Yellow SAS will endeavour to present on the site only accurate and updated information; however, no guarantee is made in this regard by Effective Yellow SAS, who cannot be held responsible for any error or omission whatsoever affecting the content of the site.
Any communication or information transmitted by the user to the site, whether by email or otherwise, containing data, comments or suggestions will be considered non-confidential and not covered by any proprietary rights. Any element transmitted or addressed may therefore be used by Effective Yellow SAS for all purposes, including in particular reproduction, disclosure, transmission, publication and distribution. In addition, Effective Yellow SAS may freely exploit any idea, concept, know-how or technique included in the communications sent to the site by a user, for all purposes including development, the manufacture and marketing of products using the information concerned.
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The names Effective Yellow SAS and Effective Yellow, the logos, slogans and trademarks registered or not, represented on this site, are the exclusive property of Effective Yellow SAS (unless otherwise stated). Any use, reproduction and/ or modification that would be made without the prior written consent of the company would be likely to constitute the infringement.
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The presentation and content of this site together constitute a work protected by the laws in force on intellectual property, of which Effective Yellow SAS is the owner. No reproduction and/or representation, partial or complete, may be made without the prior written consent of Effective Yellow SAS.
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Effective Yellow SAS warns that it will enforce its copyright, intellectual property and artistic rights, by all legal means at its disposal, including by legal means.
Effective Yellow SAS has not checked all the websites linked to this site and cannot be held responsible for their content. The user’s access to the pages outside this site or any other site is under his sole responsibility.
Effective Yellow SAS makes every effort to offer users of this site information, information and tools available and compliant with the regulations. However, Effective Yellow cannot be held responsible for a lack of availability of the site or presents without its knowledge of a virus or other malicious program.
The software of this site may be subject to the application of French, American or other state laws and regulations relating to export regulations. It is the user’s responsibility to verify the laws and regulations applicable to them before copying or exporting any data from this site.
Effective Yellow SAS reserves the right to modify and update these Terms and Conditions at any time. These modifications and updates are binding on the user, who must therefore regularly refer to this section to check the then current General Conditions to which he is subject.
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